Long term GeoCorp, Inc. employee, James LaFollette, joins AMEC (Aerospace Metals Engineering Committee)…
Download our NVLAP ISO/IEC 17025 Lab Code 200496-0 Certificate Here
Long term GeoCorp, Inc. employee, James LaFollette, joins AMEC (Aerospace Metals Engineering Committee)…
GeoCorp Inc was awarded the prestigious MTI (Metal Treating Institute) Associate Member of the Year Award for 2011. We would like to thank the members of MTI, its board and officers for the recognition. We understand the importance of putting our customers first and appreciate being honored for that. We look forward to many years of service to the heat treating industry!…
GeoCorp, Inc. will be exhibiting at the 2011 ASM Heat Treat Show in Cincinnati, Ohio at the Duke Energy Convention Center. Come see us and get your free Type-N SAT probe at booth 2005.…
GeoCorp, Inc is teaming up with MTI and sponsoring a 2 hour reception on October 18, 2011 at the upcoming NADCAP meetings. The reception hours are 6:00 to 8:00 PM at the Sheraton Station Square. Food and drinks will be provided in a casual atmosphere so quality managers, heat treat personnel, engineers, and owners can discuss the AMS 2750 Rev. D issues from the day's meetings. Please click here to contact us for more information or call 419-433-1101 and ask for James LaFollette or John Ochenas.…
Our new building is progressing nicely!…
Our campus before the 2011 expansion was started.…
GeoCorp, Inc will be exhibiting at the 18th International Forgemasters Expo in Pittsburgh, PA September 12th through 15th in booth 16B. Stop by and see us!…
GeoCorp, Inc had a successful 2011 Aeromat and has already signed up to exhibit at the 2012 Aeromat in Charlotte, NC.…
GeoCorp, Inc will be exhibiting at the 2011 ASME Turbo Expo at the Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre in Vancouver, Canada June 6 through 10, 2011 in booth number 104/106.…
GeoCorp, Inc will be exhibiting at the 2011 Aeromat Exposition May 23-25, 2011 at the Long Beach Convention Center in Long Beach, California. We understand that being the ONLY thermocouple wire, thermocouple assembly and thermocouple connector manufacturer at the show that is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 is only part of the equation. The booth will be heavily staffed with personnel experienced in providing solutions to AMS 2750D & BAC 5621K and many other quality specifications that clients may have questions about.…